Monday, March 24, 2008


Walking around the mall 3 times is WAY better than walking around a track 18 times.

I walked 6 miles, then came home to find that I had already earned $360 in donations. At that rate of return per mile, how many more do I have to walk before I'm done raising my required $2200?

Lynnwood on foot is even more tragic than Lynnwood by car.


GVB said...

Haven't we talked about you walking the streets of Lynnwood? If I had known that was what those fab new boots were for I might have at least expressed some concern...

The Colleague said...

Them's my hookin' kicks. Loosen up, whitey!

ChrisG said...

I used to walk the streets of Lynnwood, but then I got a real job....

seriously, though, remind me to tell you about the night my dad and I set off for a walk from our house (in the cul-de-sac across from Meadowdale High) and found ourselves at Fred Meyer, and then decided to have a pizza at the Pizza Haven up the street (Now Barbra's, I think), and then realized exactly how far it was back to the house.....