Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Book Group

The women in my book group are wild about this guy. Apparently there's a new 007 movie coming out: Quantum of Solace. And he's Bond. James Bond.

The core compelling reason to see this film, according to the 6 giddy suburbanites in my living room last night, is this guy run out of the water in his swim trunks. There was swooning involved. And exclamations of "have you ever seen a more perfect specimen of a male body?!"

At least that was better than talking about "Three Cups of Tea." Yawn.


GVB said...

Oh, I thought they were saying that because I had just walked in the door. I'm crushed. Back to the gym.

The Colleague said...

You mean, "to the gym."
Where does this "back" business come from?