Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I can't help but like her.

I still want the Obama/Biden ticket to crush those spectacles into tiny shards of glass that shred her anti-feminist views...

But I sort of liked her tonight.



GVB said...

But what about the 3/4 sleeves and the hairstyle? Those were a real problem.

I like the article in the Times this morning:

rpd said...

Yes, and when things look darkest attack the media and run against Washington, the teat from which you suckle.

So what is you like? Her "Riot GRRL" style?

The Colleague said...

1. even with the hair and sleeves, she is more put together than 99% of the moms I see at my kids' school functions, so I think I'd see her from across the room at a PTA meeting and say to myself "THAT'S the only woman in here I'd be seen with in public!"

2. she doesn't have any visible wrinkles, which leads me believe that she was brave enough to get fat sucked out of her ass and injected into her face. Talk about profiles in courage.

3. there's some serious bravado involved in standing up there and telling such hateful lies with a big lipsticked smile on ones face. I don't like it, exactly, but it does have its certain admirable charm.

Nobody can really be taking this ticket seriously... can they??

(Yes, I know they can. Don't make me cry on my birthday.)

Andy said...

Hockey Mom? I don't think so....